Glossary > P


Participant Information
Fidelity Stock Plan Services maintains updated name and address information based on the information that we receive from your company. If you need to update or change your address at anytime, please contact your company. For additional information please contact a Fidelity Stock Plan Services Representative at. You can find our contact information on the Contact Us page.


Participant Number
Your Participant Identification Number; the number Fidelity SPS has assigned to you and which you use to identify yourself and to log on to


Payroll Deduction
For employee stock purchase plan, this amount refers to the new dollar amount or percentage that will be withheld for stock purchase during the current period.


Plan Name
The name of the company sponsoring a stock compensation plan. This plan name is displayed on most screens relevant to stock compensation plan activities.


Plan Number
This is the number of your company's stock option plan. The plan number differs from the grant ID in that your company will have one stock option plan and corresponding plan number, but may have many grants, one for each award of stock options.


Prefill by Highest Cost
Choose this option if you want Fidelity Stock Plan Services to sort and pre-select your specific shares based on the tax lots with the highest cost basis per share information. This option generally results in the lowest capital gain or highest capital loss. Cost basis and unrealized gain/loss information used to perform this function is based on the prior business day's closing price or Net Asset Value (NAV) for the security. Fidelity does not guarantee that selecting this option will achieve desired outcome.


Prefill by Lowest Cost
Choose this option if you want Fidelity Stock Plan Services to sort and pre-select your specific share shares based on the tax lots with the lowest cost basis per share information. Cost basis and unrealized gain/loss information used to perform this function is based on the prior business day's closing price or Net Asset Value (NAV) for the security. Fidelity does not guarantee that selecting this option will achieve desired outcome.


Preview Exercise Button
Displays estimated results of an exercise request indicated before your exercise request is submitted so that you can review the estimated results and confirm that you intend to request the exercise.


Preview Sell Request Button
Displays the details of a sell request you just entered so that you can verify the information before placing the sell request.


Price Type
Price types include Market and Limit. In the context of a stock option exercise request, Price Type indicates whether the option exercise request is conditioned upon obtaining a specified sales price for the shares acquired through the option exercise. See Limit and Market.


Prior Business Day's Close
This is one of the alternative methods indicated for determining the fair market value value of stock acquired through option exercises. This value means that your stock option plan uses the stock's prior trading day's closing price to calculate the: Taxable gain and Withholding taxes for non-qualified stock options.


This is a field on the Tax Lots Specified Lot Detail screen. This field displays numbers assigned to the tax lots from which shares will be sold when the request executes. The tax lot shares are sold according to the numbers assigned, lot number 1 shares are sold first, lot number 2 shares are sold second, etc. In many cases, a stock sell request can execute with the full share amount sold all at once. In some cases, a stock sell request may be partially executed. This is when the priority you specify is useful, because it sets the order in which the tax lot shares are sold.


The total amount of money resulted from the sale less fees.


Proceeds Distribution Method
Defines how net cash proceeds from a transaction will be distributed to you. The method of distribution depends on your company's plan rules, and may include an automated distribution to you through your company's payroll or a deposit into your Stock Plan Account.


Proceeds Election
The percentages of shares and cash that you will receive when exercising a grant or award. Your plan rules may determine these percentages, or you may be able to decide how you receive your proceeds (cash, shares, or a combination) upon exercise.


Purchase Date
Date the shares were acquired in single transaction during a selected offering period.


Purchase Date FMV
The fair market value of one share of stock on the date the purchase was made.


Purchase Plan Rules for Offering Period
The rules that applied to the purchase of stock during the specified offering period. The rules are specific to your plan; they may include, but are not limited to, the following: allowable contribution rate, dollar contribution maximum, mandatory holding period, stock pricing, stock purchase pricing, ESPP discount percentage.
