Help Contents > Stock Plans


Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs)

Companies offer employee stock purchase plans so that employees can share in the success of the firm. A stock purchase plan enables employees to purchase their company's common stock through payroll deduction, often at a discount from the market price.

Plan Summary

Enrollment Agreement and Election

Viewing and Changing Payroll Deductions

Withdrawals from Your ESPP

Estimating Purchases and Gains


What plan summary information can I view?

The Employee Stock Purchase Plan summary page displays contributions grouped by offering periods. The information for each summarized offering period includes your contribution to the plan and company matching information (if applicable). You also see total contributions for each offering period, and the rules for each offering period, if applicable.



How will I know if I need to enroll in an employee stock purchase offering?

Refer to your plan documents for specific information about how you will be notified regarding enrollment in your employee stock purchase plan offering.


How can I view plan documents?

Once you have completed the initial enrollment process, you can view plan documents by clicking View > Plan Information & Documents. Your plan information and documents are in PDF format. You must have the free Acrobat® Reader® to view and print the plan document.



How do I change my payroll deductions?

You can change your payroll deductions by clicking Act > View or Change Payroll Deduction. You can change how much money you're contributing to your plan, or discontinue your deduction at any time before the enrollment deadline for each offering period.

For each offering period, enter a new deduction percentage or dollar amount in the New column, or enter zero to discontinue your deduction. If you leave the New column blank, your current deduction will not change.

Click Next to review your changes, then Next again to submit them. Make a note of the confirmation number, which is a receipt of your payroll deduction. If you contact Fidelity concerning this payroll deduction, use this number.

Note: Your changes will generally take effect in one or two pay periods.


How often can I change my payroll deductions?

Policies regarding number of changes to payroll deductions are available in the plan documents. Typically, plans only allow you to increase or decrease your payroll deduction percentage or dollar amount. A plan may limit the number of changes you can make per offering period. A plan may also suspend participants from the offering period if they reduce their percentage to zero.


Can I automatically re-enroll in future offering periods?

Yes. If you do, the payroll deduction elected for this period will apply to any future offering periods. If your plan/program includes overlapping offering periods, your percentage withholding will be the aggregate of your enrollment elections for those offering periods. Your total payroll deduction elections for all offering periods cannot exceed the maximum allowed by your employer. You can suspend your payroll deduction withholding at any time by reducing the payroll deduction amount to zero.

You can automatically re-enroll in future offering periods by clicking the Yes option in the Future Enrollment section on the Change Payroll Deduction page. Enter a deduction percentage or dollar amount in the New column. Click Next to review your changes, then Next again to submit them. Make a note of the confirmation number. If you contact Fidelity concerning your re-enrollment, use this number.


How do I enroll in a future offering period if I do not automatically re-enroll?

You must separately enroll through the online enrollment process prior to the enrollment deadline.



How does a withdrawal work in an ESPP?

With most employee stock purchase plans, you can withdraw from your plan at any time before the purchase. Withdrawals are made on or through a representative. However, you should refer to your plan documents to determine your plan's rules governing withdrawals.


How do I make a withdrawal from my employee stock purchase plan?

Refer to your plan documents to determine the availability and frequency of withdrawal request under your plan's specific rules. You can request a withdrawal by clicking Act > Withdraw Money. Click Withdraw Money next to an offering period with available funds. Enter the dollar amount that you want to withdraw (this amount must be equal to or less than the available amount).

You must read your Employee Stock Purchase Plan Enrollment Agreement and review the terms of the plan in the plan documentation, then indicate that you accept the terms by entering the words "I accept" in the text box. Click Next to review your request, then Next again to submit it. Make a note of the confirmation number, which is a receipt of your withdrawal. If you contact Fidelity concerning your withdrawal, use this number.



Based on my current ESPP contributions, what is my estimated gain from purchases made?

Your ESPP gain may be estimated using your ESPP contributions and your plan's purchase rule calculation. Refer to your plan documents for your plan's specific purchase rules.


How can I estimate the number of shares I will purchase based on my current contributions?

You can calculate an estimate of the number of shares you may purchase based on your current contributions by clicking Act > Estimate Purchase.
